Thursday, August 27, 2020


 Burg's Buzz

Welcome Back
Welcome back to St. Malachy School! I know my family functions better on a regular school schedule. We have been busy these few days learning new routines. The students are doing a pretty good job of wearing masks and sanitizing hands regularly.  I am enjoying getting to know the third grade students. Here are some pictures from the first day of school.

During these first few days students took the beginning of the year math test. This test covers each of the skills covered in third grade. Students will take an end of the year test in May to see their growth on these skills.

The first chapter in math will focus on addition and subtraction. Students will work on estimating, place value, and learn different about different properties.

Students are learning about the roles of scientists.  Students learned what scientists do, how they use data, and why scientists are important? Students learned about how scientists use the inquiry process.
Reading/Language Arts
This week has been spent assessing students' skills. Students were give a comprehensive screening assessment that covered phonics, spelling, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing.

Next week third grade will dive into the reading textbooks. There will be a spelling pretest and post test and a weekly assessment over the story next week.

Important Dates
Friday, August 28th-Spirit Day ($1)
Thursday, September 3rd-Picture Day
Monday, September 7th-NO SCHOOL (Labor Day)
Friday, September 11th-Hawkeye/Cyclone Spirit Day ($1)

Wednesday, August 19, 2020


 3rd Grade Buzz 5/2/24 Countdown The countdown is on for the end of the year. There are 16 school days left. Ther...