Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Thank you again for sharing your child with me during this third grade year.  I have enjoyed watching each of them grow, change, and develop throughout the school year.  The pictures below are from the first day of school and the last day of school.  Have a great summer!

First Day of School-August 20, 2014

Last Day of School-May 26, 2015

Thursday, May 21, 2015

May 21, 2015

3rd Grade News

Two more school days left to go!  Students may keep the take home folders that are going home today.  All the students' supplies will be going home with them on Friday.

The third grade field trip was a success!  Students got to experience an educational, but fun day of science.  Thank you to Chris Walter, Tonya Green, Lora Pellman, and Staci Pokorny for chaperoning for the day.  Below is a picture of the third grade class upon leaving the Science Center of Iowa.

Your child's Iowa Assessment results have been included in the take home folder.  Please take a few minutes to look over them.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Third grade is finishing the year learning about two dimensional shapes.  Students have learned about plane figures, angles, polygons,  There is a lot of terminology when discussing geometry. Any additional help that can be done over the summer pertaining to math will be beneficial for 4th grade.

Students have been learn famous scientists.  There will be a quiz over the five scientists learned on Friday.  Students need to know the time period in which they lived and their accomplishments.

This week students have been taking the Unit 6 Benchmark test.  Those results will go home with the students on Friday.  Students are also work on writing an explanatory paragraph about healthy living habits.  Final copies will be sent home in the portfolios on Friday.  Students also took a spelling test over one word from each of the thirty lessons we covered.  The post test will be on Friday. 

The Lesson 30 weekly test results have been included in the take home folder.

Please continue to have your child read over the summer.

The last day of school is scheduled for Tuesday, May 26th.  There is no school on Monday, May 25th, due to Memorial Day. Field day activities begin around 10:00 AM.  Students need to wear tennis shoes on this day.  Students also need to bring a sack lunch with a drink.  Any activities involving water will take place around 2:00 PM. There will be an end of the year assembly in the gym beginning at 2:40 PM.  Dismissal from school is at 3:10 PM.

It has been a great pleasure being your child's teacher this year.  I have seen growth and development in each student.  I hope everyone has an enjoyable summer.  I plan on spending time camping and golfing.  I will also be busy getting my own children to all of the activities. I look forward to seeing smiling 4th grade students in August.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

May 14, 2015

3rd Grade News

St. Malachy is down to seven days left of school. Students will bring their supplies home on Friday, May 22nd. Please make sure their bring a bag to school that day since there will be plenty to take home.

Field Day will take place on Tuesday, May 26th.  Events will begin at 10:00 AM.  Students also need to bring a sack lunch.  There will be an end of the year assembly at 2:40 PM. School will be dismissed at 3:10 PM as usual on this day.

Third grade has been measuring objects to the nearest inch, 1/2 inch and 1/4 inch. Students are also learning about perimeter and area.

There was a test covering force today.  Third grade will next learn about famous scientists.

This week third grade read the realistic fiction story entitled "Saving Buster." In this story Buster the service dogs gets hurt and needs an operation.  The owners don't know how they will pay the bill.  A neighbor comes up with a plan to help out.  The comprehension skill covered drawing conclusions and questioning.  The vocabulary strategy focused on compound words.  In grammar students worked on pronouns.  Students worked on the schwa sound in phonics.

The Unit 29 weekly assessment results have been included in the take home folder.  

Next week there will be a spelling test covering one word from each of the thirty lists that the students learned.  There will be no packet next week.  Students will also be taking the Unit 6 Benchmark Test next week as well.

The third grade class will be going on a field trip to the Science Center of Iowa on Tuesday, May 19th.  I still have a few students that have not returned the permission slips and the fee.  Please get these turned into me by Friday, May 15th.  I have secured enough drivers for the trip.  Thank you to Staci Pokorny, Tonya Green, Lora Pellman, and Chris Walter for volunteering to drive.  The trip is booked for twenty-seven people and that is what we have going. We will leave school around 8:30 AM.  Students may bring electronics for the car ride to and from Des Moines.  We will return around 3:00 PM so students can ride the bus and be picked up from school.  A sack lunch with a drink is needed on this day.  Please let me know if you have any other questions.

All library books for third grade are due back to school by Wednesday, May 20th.

The third grade, fourth grade, and fifth grade are in charge of the mass on Wednesday, May 20th.  Students have been informed of their parts.  Speaking parts are being sent home in the take home folder.

Tuesday, May 19th-3rd Grade Class Field Trip
Wednesday, May 20th-3rd/4th/5th Grade Mass
Wednesday, May 20th-1 Hour Early Dismissal
Monday, May 25th-NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, May 26th-Last Day of School

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Biography Bash

Here are some pictures of the students and their biography projects. They did a wonderful job!  The students did a great job of presenting.  It was neat to hear each student talk about who they studied.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

May 7th, 2015

3rd Grade News

The countdown is on.  There are 12 days left of school!  There is still plenty to do at St. Malachy.  We have to put in our best effort every day until the last day.

Third grade is learning about forces in science.  Students have learned that a force is a push or a pull. The class has also learned about motion, speed, gravity, and weight.  Students have also learned the scientific definition of work.  Students are also learning about simple machines.  There will be a test covering the topic of force next week.

Reading/Language Arts
This week the class is reading play entitled "A New Team of Heroes." In this play a soccer team gets a new player and learns about teamwork.  The comprehension skill analyzing characters.  The vocabulary strategy focused on the prefixes of un- and dis-.  The grammar skill covered prepositions. Students worked on words with -le and -er for the phonics skill.

The results from the Unit 28 weekly assessment have been included in the take home folder.

During the week of May 18th students will be taking the Unit 6 Benchmark Test.  In addition there will be one last spelling test that week covering words from the entire thirty lessons. 

The class is learning about time.  Students have calculated time to the nearest minute.  Students have also figured out the time to then next hour.  Another concept covered was elapsed time.

Field Trip
This year the third grade class will be going to the Science Center of Iowa in Des Moines on Tuesday, May 19th. We will be leaving St. Malachy around 8:30 AM and leaving Des Moines around 1:40 PM to head back to Creston.  The plan is to return so students are able to ride the bus and getting picked up at dismissal time. While at the Science Center the students will get to participate in a Live Program entitled “Fire and Ice.” In addition, students will partake in a Discovery Lab called “Chemistry Creations.”  There will also be time for the students to explore the six interactive experience platforms.  The cost per student is $4.50.  Please complete the permission slip and return to school along with the fee.  Chaperones are needed for the trip.  In addition to driving, chaperones will also have a small group of students to supervise during the interactive experience platforms.  I am looking for three drivers that are able to hold at least five students in the backseat of their vehicle. Drivers will need to complete the necessary paperwork and online requirements for driving for field trips.  I will get that information to you.  Please let me know if you would be available to drive.  The trip is booked for twenty-seven people total.  That includes the twenty-two students, four chaperones, and me.  I have had one parent already volunteer to chaperone.  Students will also need to a sack lunch with a drink.  We will eat around noon at the Science Center.  Students may bring electronic devices for the car ride, but they will remain in the vehicles while we are at the Science Center. No money is needed the day of the trip.  Please return the permission slip and fee to school by Friday, May 15th.  If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at school (782-7125) or email me at nburg@crestonstmalachy.org.  

Biography Bash
The third grade class will be showing off their biography projects on Friday, May 8th, from 2:15-3:00 PM in the third grade classroom and the support classroom.  We hope you are able to join us.

I am so proud of the projects and presentations that the third grade class did on these biography projects.  The students shared interesting information in the presentations.  I can tell the hard work that went into the projects.  Way to go, third graders (and their parents)! Pictures will be posted soon.

Book Orders
The last book order of the year has been included in your child's take home folder.  It is due back to school by Thursday, May 14th.  Please return orders by check or cash to me.  Orders may also be placed online at www.scholastic.com by using a credit card.  This is a great time to stock up on books for the summer at reasonable prices.

Important Dates
Friday, May 8th-Biography Bash in gym from 2:15-3:00 PM
Tuesday, May 12th-Spring Music Concert at Creston High School 6 PM
Wednesday, May 13th-1 Hour Early Dismissal
Thursday, May 14th-Book Order Due
Tuesday, May 19th-3rd Grade Field Trip to the Science Center
Wednesday, May 20th-3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Mass at 9:15 AM
Monday, May 25th-NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, May 26th-Last Day of School


 Burg's Buzz 9/19/24 nburg@crestonstmalachy.org Science The class reviewed understanding friction and gravity. Students also experimente...