Thursday, August 30, 2018


3rd Grade News

Reading/Language Arts
This week third grade read the humorous fiction story called A Fine, Fine School.  In this story, a principal thinks everything abut this school. The principal decides to have school on the weekends which then leads to school during summer vacation. He doesn't realize the students are missing out on the learning that take place at home. In the end, the principal changes his decision and school returns to just during the weekdays. The comprehension skill covered analyzing story structure. Students had to identify the setting, characters, and plot. The phonics skill covered short vowels and dividing VCCV words into syllables. The grammar skill focused on complete subjects and complete predicates.

I hope everyone is understand the spelling process. Pretests will be given at the beginning of the week. Writing of missed words is due the next day back at school. Spelling packets will be give at the beginning of the week and are due back on Fridays.  There will also be a spelling post test on Fridays.

Third grade students start the year working on addition and subtraction. This week students have learned about the Identity Property of Addition and Commutative Property of Addition. Students are also working on place value. 
With the new science series, third graders are learning about engineering and technology.
Social Contract
*Be Respectful
*Include Others
*Be Kind/No Put Downs
*Follow Directions/Rules
A copy of the social contract has been included in the take home folder for you to keep at home. Please review the conditions that have been established by the students in grades third, fourth, and fifth.

A Highlights order form has been included in the take home folder. Please complete the form and return to school. Even if not ordering, please return the form back to school. The classroom receives free educational supplies based upon the number of returned slips.
Important Dates
Thursday, August 30th-PTO Meeting at 6 PM
Monday, September 3rd-Labor Day (No School)
Wednesday, September 5th-Welcome Back Picnic 6 PM
Friday, September 7th-Spirit Day ($1)
Friday, September 7th-3rd Grade Volunteers at the Food Pantry
Sunday, September 9-Holy Spirit Food Fair

Thursday, August 23, 2018


 3rd Grade Buzz 5/2/24 Countdown The countdown is on for the end of the year. There are 16 school days left. Ther...