Thursday, May 21, 2020


3rd Grade News

This week was spent reviewing skills. Students practiced addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Third graders also reviewed measurement and fractions.
This week students studied scientists. Students learned about Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, and Isaac Newton.

Reading/Language Arts
The class finished Charlotte's Web. I enjoyed reading the last chapter aloud. The remaining reading assignments will be fun activities around Charlotte's Web.
School Work
Friday, May 22nd is the last day homework will be assigned. All work is due on Monday, May 25th. I have been emailing students and parents about late work that is due. There is an exception about work being due though, Science and religion assigned this week is due Tuesday, May 26th. Social Studies is due on Wednesday, May 27th. All other work is due this Monday.
Last Day of School Pick Up
Parents can pick up supplies still at school on Thursday, May 28th from 2:00-6:00 PM. Mrs. Simmons sent out a sign up for families. Here is link to sign up Last Day of School Pick Up. One time slot per family. Student items will be in sacks. Drop off devices if you borrow from the school. Please return library books if you have any at home. 

Summer Break
I hope everyone has a healthy and safe summer break. This summer I will be planning a graduation party for my daughter since we couldn't it have in May. Hopefully, I will be able to attend some of my son's golf tournaments. I also hope to take a professional development on mindfulness.

I am hoping to plan a "I Graduated Third Grade, Now On to Fourth Grade" get together for the class later in the summer. Look for an email from me at a later date.

Thursday, May 14, 2020


3rd Grade News

This week students have been learning about perimeter and area. Students have also been working on two step word problems.

The class continues to learn about the integumentary system. Students continue to learn facts about hair, skin, and nails.

Reading/Language Arts
Students continue to read Charlotte's Web. Students have worked on using text evidence and compare/contrast. Students continue to work on writing. The class has also been working on subjects and predicates and using context clues.

Last Day of School
The last day of assignments will be given is Friday, May 22nd. The last day assignments will be accepted is Thursday, May 28th.  

Thursday, May 7, 2020


3rd Grade News

The class is learning about the integumentary system. This system includes hair, skin, and nails.

Students worked on elapsed time. Students are also working on measuring length. Students are measuring to the nearest inch and nearest 1/2 inch. Students are also measuring in centimeters.

Dreambox is also being assigned. Students should make sure they are getting the necessary minutes in each week.

Reading/Language Arts
Third grade continues to read in Charlotte's Web. Comprehension strategies this week include main idea and compare/contrast. Students are also asked to write about different events in the story. I really want the students to be working on writing complete sentences using an uppercase letter at the beginning and punctuation at the end. Students continued to work on parts of speech.

Third graders are also in the process of writing an informational paragraph with their planet research. I will print off a copy of the final paper and print off. These will be included in the student's portfolios.

Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day to each of the third grade moms. Each one of you deserves a special day. Thank you being great moms to your children.


 Burg's Buzz 4/18/24 Math The students worked on addition and subtraction with regrouping this past week. We ...